Tuesday, May 31, 2016

BV Foot Clinic: We'll Zap Your Toenail Troubles Away

                                                  We'll Zap Your Toenail Troubles Away

Many women think toenail fungus is the most unattractive, common foot condition, and that pedicures can fix most other problems; but, ironically, they can lead to trouble. Indeed, as some salon tools, such as emery boards, can't be sanitized, they may harbor germs and bacteria; and they're used on many people, including some with cuts or infections. So, when getting a pedicure, consider taking your own emery board, and even your own nail polish. And if you have toenail fungus, let us zap it away with our Laser treatment.   

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Monday, May 23, 2016

BV Foot Clinic: Don't Let That Corn Stand in Your Way

                                             Don’t Let That Corn Stand in Your Way  

No matter how cute those new sandals are, if you have corns, they can destroy your whole look. Besides being unattractive, they're often quite painful; and they sometimes get infected, which may lead to serious complications, especially for diabetics.

Whether they’re threatening your health, or just sitting there, looking unpleasant, corns indicate that there’s, at least, a minor problem. After all, they usually form when the skin thickens where shoes, socks, or seams consistently rub against the toes; and that can result from ill-fitting shoes, abnormally positioned toes or bones, or irregular gaits that cause undue pressure or friction on certain areas of the feet. So, if your corns are standing in the way of fashion, health, or comfort, come on in and let us remove those obstinate obstacles.    

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