Thursday, October 23, 2014

BV Foot Clinic: Leave Warts to Witches, Toads, and Toadstools

                             Leave Warts to Witches, Toads, and Toadstools

There are many things that seem innocuous, but, under certain circumstances, can be quite serious. Plantar warts are in that category, as they can grow to be large and painful. What’s more, they’re particularly dangerous to diabetics, whose feet are especially vulnerable areas where even minor cuts can mushroom into serious conditions. Worse yet, the virus that causes warts can enter through the tiniest openings.

Sure, it may be Halloween; but warts belong only on witches, toads, and toadstools. So, if you’re developing them, let us remove them quickly and painlessly.  

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

BV Foot Clinic: Time for Sports Injuries Again

Time for Sports Injuries Again

Now that the new school year is in full swing, so are the sports programs. And a year filled with football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and track, is also inevitably filled with sports injuries. In fact, you may have had one or two mishaps, such as ankle sprains, stress fractures, strained or pulled muscles, tendons, or ligaments, affect your family already.

When your child comes limping in with an injury after practice, or a game, don’t take any chances. Call us right away, to get the proper diagnosis and treatment the same day.