Tuesday, April 22, 2014

BV Foot Clinic: Don't Spend the Summer on the Sidelines

Don’t Spend the Summer on the Sidelines
 Going from sedentary lifestyles, to sudden, intense outdoor activities, often causes people’s Achilles tendons (which connect calf muscles to heel bones) to become stiff, painful, and swollen.     

So, to avoid Achilles tendinitis, ease into outdoor sports with warm-ups; and call us if you experience any of its symptoms persistently. Early treatment can help to ensure that you won’t spend the summer sitting on the sidelines.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BV Foot Clinic: Don't Let Scruffy-Looking Feet Trip You Up!

Don’t Let Scruffy-Looking Feet Trip You Up!
  If you’re set to strut your stuff in strappy spring sandals, don’t let corns and calluses spoil the scenery. These often develop during a winter of wearing heavy boots and socks; and, besides being unsightly, they can be painful, and even lead to infections, especially in diabetics.       
  Luckily, though, our easy treatments can eliminate these afflictions in no time! So, don’t let scruffy-looking feet trip you up.  And don’t let Scruffy trip you up, either! 

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