Wednesday, July 20, 2016

BV Foot Clinic: There Are Lots of Sprained Ankles "Going Around" Now

                               There Are Lots of Sprained Ankles “Going Around” Now

Because people are generally most active during the summer, it’s not surprising that it’s the peak season for injuries, such as sprained ankles. Indeed, there are lots of them “going around” now; and, besides being painful, they can cause damage, by stretching, or even tearing, ligaments. So, always wear shoes that are appropriate to your activities, and are comfortable, properly fitted, and secure. Moreover, while very high heels can increase the chances of ankle sprains, so can loose-fitting flip-flops.

So, don’t lend your ankles to the epidemic of sprains “going around.” But if you do suffer a sprain – or any type of foot problem call us right away for the most advanced, effective treatments available.

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Monday, July 18, 2016

BV Foot Clinic: Walk the Straight, But Avoid the Narrow

                                                Walk the Straight, But Avoid the Narrow

Women often wear shoes with very high heels and narrow toes; so it's no surprise that they often develop bunions – red, swollen bumps on the lower, outer joints of their big toes – and hammertoes, which are bent at their middle joints. If you have either condition, call us for early treatment, before it becomes arthritic or requires minor surgery. Better yet, if you want to prevent these problems, wear lower heels, and choose shoes with more toe room. So, you can still walk the straight – but avoid the narrow! 

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Friday, July 1, 2016

BV Foot Clinic: There's a New Tunnel in Town

                                                                       There's a New Tunnel in Town

Most people are familiar with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which, marked by pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands, comes from pressure on the median nerve of the wrist; yet few know about Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, a similar problem of the feet, triggered by pressure on the tibial nerve, which runs down the back of the leg. If you have signs of the latter, call us soon, especially if you’re diabetic. As its symptoms can mimic those of diabetic neuropathy, an extremely serious condition, it's vital to get the proper diagnosis and treatment – two things that you can always count on us to give you.  

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